Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Speak Your Mind: I am not my weight

Speak Your Mind: I am not my weight: "'Fat is ugly'..that's what the media is saying,women worldwide are being manipulated day in and day out. According to them,being thin is bei..."

Monday, 17 January 2011

I am not my weight

"Fat is ugly"..that's what the media is saying,women worldwide are being manipulated day in and day out. According to them,being thin is being defined as beautiful and perfect..if you are not a size 30 you are made to feel like you are committing a crime or something,now tell me is there a law out there or a rule that states that being voluptuous is a crime?!? This really makes me angry because young girls out there are suffering,starving themselves just to fit the image that the media is selling of a perfect woman.

A while ago this young girl who was beautiful,loving,talented,funny and full of life was a victim of this,this girl grew up in a good home with loving parents and siblings. This girl was slowly dying inside,she was a size34 and everyone called her names. Ugly,big mamma,oros..she was bullied and all because her classmates said that she was ugly because she was fat. Well I guess I don't blame those kids for doing that to her,it is the media that has poisoned their minds.this young girl starved herself,started bunking school and got involved with bad company. She was a very bright girl,who loved life and had a lot of light that was brighter than the sun but that all changed as soon as she got involved with those people. Her marks went down,she didn't care much about anything let alone herself,this girl was so beautiful and yet she couldn't see that,all she could see was the fat the very same fat that the media said was ugly. Finally high school was over,she matriculated and here she thought that all her problems where gone well little did she know that they were just starting. Tertiary was hell,she gained more weight and she was now a sze 36. She couldn't take it anymore,it all just became too much for her so she committed suicide.

I've always been chubby and I'll admit I see a bit of myself in that story,I've always hated my body because people never really took the time to know me as a person but instead I was seen as the chubby girl. Peolple never really knew my name,'sdudla' was a name I got used to. I was afraid to speak my mind,I loved dancing,singing and so much more but nobody took the time to ask because people think that when you are 'thick' you are lazy. I soon realised that people will never stop thinking that about me until I did something about it. I joined the choir,sang a solo at a competition,entered a talent show,started talking..I finally realised that I am not my weight yes I was chubby but that did not define who I was.people started to respect me,finally treated me like a human being,they also realised that I am not my weight.

Everyone is different and beautiful in their own special way,people need to stop taking what the media is feeding them..this starts with you as an individual. Women out there have to love and respect themselves because when you feel beautiful and sexy,you will look beautiful and sexy..look yourself in the mirror and say,I AM NOT MY WEIGHT!!

#thought of the week: love yourself

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Pay attention

You know I really have a hard time paying attention to a person to hardly pays attention to their surroundings and themselves. I mean would it hurt to just pick up a newspaper,watch the news or even listen to the radio. 'I do not have enough time,I'm always so busy' is what most of them say,how shallow!! I urge everyone out there to take the time to pay attention,even if it is just for five never know you might be saving someone's life better yet even your own!!

#Thought of the week: pay attention