Thursday, 1 March 2012

B.E.D- Bold Eager Dreamers, are you one of them?

When a dream is alive inside of you it’s like a burning desire however, that is only the beginning. The desire fuels the fire for the rest of the process because dreams take many painstaking hours of study, skill, prayer and perseverance.

We all have a special purpose here on earth that was preordained by God. He has placed inside each of us a desire to use our gifts and abilities to serve each other in some way. This is where our dreams originate. It is our destiny. We can’t allow rejections and disappointments to make us give up on our dreams.

We need to set our minds on them and keep the fires burning. Regardless of our age or ability, it’s never too late to make our dreams come true!!

Many people never take steps to fulfill their dreams, It either requires too much work or they are afraid of failure and lack faith. Many things can keep us from living out our dreams. Lack of self-esteem is a MAJOR one.

One thing I have noticed is that people live like hamsters in a cage #as crazy as that sounds#. They get on the play wheel and start running like crazy, all the meanwhile wondering why they're not getting anywhere. They stop spinning the wheels once in a while #weekends# only to get back on the same wheel the following Monday. The possibilities we face on a daily basis are endless but we allow ourselves to get caught in a repetitive cycle everyday. We talk to the same people, we do the same work, we eat the same foods, we watch the same shows, we tell the same jokes, we laugh at the same stories, etc. It's time to get off the wheel and dare to venture out the cage and see the multitude of experiences and opportunities life has to offer you.

Yes you'll have people who will put you down, for some it might be family others friends and even spouses..I say don't even listen to them for they don't control your destiny.

Reasons why you should ignore everyone and follow your dreams #I live by these rules# :

•The only “yes” you need to follow your dreams is yours.
•You’ll regret it later in life and if you’re delaying it you’ll question yourself why didn’t you do it sooner.
•Not following your dreams makes you feel incomplete. Eventually this will stop you from dreaming altogether.
•It will attract some attention, even from the haters. You will feel strong as you prove the haters wrong. “The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” #can't remember who said that#
•People who follow their dreams are doers.   Doers have more power to create, influence and change their environment… and eventually the world.
•Life feels more memorable, hence you feel/become more memorable.
•Following your dreams might take unexpected turns but those are the interesting and memorable challenges of living the dream.
•Those challenges will help you grow as they make you step out of your comfort zone.
•Dreams make you take chances, but chances can bring more opportunities.
Afraid about it? GOOD, being afraid makes you feel more alive so smash through that brick wall of fear.  Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. “The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.”
•Your dreams and your actions define you.  Don’t let others define you with what they tell you to do and not to.
•You will inspire others to follow their own dreams even if they know nothing about you.
•Following your dreams makes you interesting.
•Who doesn’t love to challenge the status quo?
•There are no rules in life so why limit yourself to what everybody else is doing?
•Accomplishing your dreams will spark even bigger dreams.
•You feel you have something more to live for.
•Even if your dreams fail you’ll feel proud you gave it your all to accomplish them. •Dreamers tend to fail but they tend to learn more in life. You learn from failure. So dust yourself and try it again.
•It’s your life, live it under your terms!!

Bold.Eager.Dreamers. Bold - the chance and risk takers. Eager - the desire to learn more while chasing your dreams. Dreamers. All put into an acronym that spells the thing where dreams begin, BED.

It doesn’t matter where you are who you are or what others think of you. Your inner self is much greater and given the chance you can make a difference to yours and other people’s lives. Albert Einstein said “use what you have where you have it”. Success is within reach, all you have to do is stretch and grab hold of it and if you follow your dream, nature will always be on your side. You can change your tomorrow, if you follow your dream TODAY.

#Thought of the week# The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up!!