Thursday, 30 August 2012

Spring is in the air...spread the love, not the odor

Hello hello hello everyone, damn it's been a while..THIXO Spring is here and yes we've all been waiting for it but definitely not what comes with it. By that I mean the sickening, yes guys the near death sickening body odors that come with the sweating from the heat. Some people didn't get the memo on how to stay smelling fresh.

For some of us, smelling good comes so easily that it seems outrageous for there to be instructions on it. We've all experienced standing next to someone who didn't get the memo and a waft of their unpleasant smell can make you incredibly uncomfortable #even nauseous#.

I feel so strongly about this topic because I have been abused by many, yes guys I'm a victim of such. I've had very bad experiences especially in taxis for those who have known me for years I'm sure you know about my taxi horrors, from guys who put their arms around me, to an armpit that was so bad that I could even taste it horror horror horror. Just last year the man that was sitting next to me had multiple odors coming from him. From shoes to armpits to his breath oh my goodness, and when I opened the window he asked me to close it because he had sinuses #JEHOVAH# I think in his case he didn't get the memo, the letter, sms, bbm, poke from facebook, phone call, whatsapp and the sense of smell #poor soul, NO NO NO let me rephrase that..poor souls who had to be around him that day# Didn't think that I would come out alive, I WILL NEVER forget that day.

Another one I have to share, there was this guy.. Sam oh MY WORD Sam was and in my eyes still is the KING of sickening, near death/causing heart attack body odor. The smell of his armpits alone would make you nauseous and sometimes give you headaches. Everyone, feared Sam #well he was a scary looking guy# but his odor was the main reason behind the fear. Over the years I have come to name any kind of odor 'Sam', in honor of this great king...ok ok ok jokes aside nw...

While the sense of smell is rather subjective, the following steps will help anyone eradicate what are commonly considered to be unwanted odors.

•Bathe/shower regularly.

This will get rid of hormonal odor on your entire body and is essential that you do it daily WITH SOAP/SHOWER GEL. If you feel this is hard to have time for #which I find quite shocking#, try consulting a doctor for other procedures #maybe brain surgery#. Make sure to wash the problem parts of your body carefully. These parts include the armpits and genitals.

•Wear deodorant and move around with it#ladies keep it in your bag#

Get one with an appealing fragrance. If you sweat a lot get an anti-perspirant. This is something you need to be older for. You won't start sweating there until you are in your teens, so you may not need this step at all if you are a young child. But the kids of today YOH rather use it kids, keep it safe.

•Wear cologne or perfume but don't cover yourself with it.

spray your neck, wrists and back of knees. if you are male spray it on your face but not straight after shaving or it will sting. Don't wet your clothing with it hle people, it's not washing liquid hle you are not washing your clothes now for that get Omo, Surf, Sunlight etc..

•Be confident.

Don't smell your armpits or feel self conscious, be free and open to the world...BUT Please please don't be free knowing very well you didn't follow the instructions above, Lord knows if you didn't THIXO anyone or anything around you will disappear, die or even explode.

•Brush your teeth.

Bad breath is a huge NO NO, and this is not a problem just in summer..all seasons baby!!! Brush your teeth twice a day- once in the morning after breakfast and once before you go to bed, take some mint gum to chew after snacks and meals

I'm pretty sure that all these instructions are simple to follow. As I said above if you find it difficult to bathe/shower at least once a day hai you need medical attention on the levels of brain surgery.

If you know that you sweat a lot don't wear clothing that will make you sweat, wear layers that you can take off when you need to. I don't mean jerseys people, a simple vest for guys underneath your T-shirt and girls maybe a light cardigan then you can take it off when you are sweating.

Please people note that some of us are very sensitive to bad smell and yes it is your right to be however you want to be, but that right should not make others uncomfortable.

Can we please enjoy the sun without worrying about abo'Sam PLEASE, love yourself and if you know that you have a problem seek help. A little play time with water can go a long way believe me, ZITHANDENI people!!!

#Thought of the week# Spring is in the air. Let's enjoy the smell of lovely roses and keep away horrible odors!!